Cord Blood Cryopreservation Solution-50ml

  • Product ID:


  • Specifications:


  • Storage:

    2-8 ℃

  • Expirate date:

    3 years

- Product Overview -

Product Overview:
The cord blood cryopreservation solution is produced according to cGMP regulations, is CFDA-filed and culture-validated. The production uses disposable medical consumables to effectively avoid cross-contamination. It is mainly used for the preservation of cord blood stem cells and other stem cells.

The main ingredients of this cryopreservation solution are 55% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 5% dextran. Raw material sources are certified to meet USP Grade standards.

Suitable for the preservation of cord blood stem cells and other stem cells.


  • Chemically defined product.
  • The raw materials are imported from USA and in compliance with the USP Grade standards.
  • Production according to cGMP regulations.
  • Sterile, endotoxin and pyrogen-free, mycoplasma testing, and cell culture testing.

Instructions for use:

I) Before use, wipe the cord blood cryopreservation solution vials with 75% alcohol.
II) Prepare cord blood cell suspension (red blood cells removed).
III) Slowly add cord blood cryopreservation solution to the cell suspension in the rati o of 1:4, and mix well gently.
IV) Transfer the cryopreservation tube (or cryopreservation bag) to the program cooler (1 degree/min).