Cryopreservation Solution Specialized for MSC (5% DMSO, Chemical defined)

  • Product ID:


  • Specifications:


  • Expirate date:

    3 years

- Product Overview -

Mesenchymal Stem Cell cryopreservation is a cell preservation reagent with no animal or human derived substances, no protein, and fully limited chemical composition, with a DMSO content of 5%. 

Specialized for: 
Cryopreservation of mesenchymal stem cells from different sources.

Product Features: 
Ready to use, stable storage, and convenient.
Clear chemical composition (Xeno-free, no protein, defined composition).
High cell recovery rate>90% or above.
Can be stored directly at -80°C for a long time, also can be stored in the liquid nitrogen.
No need for a programmed cooling process from -80℃ to liquid nitrogen.