Serum-free Culture Medium for NK (Xeno-free) KIT

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  • Specifications:


- Product Overview -

Product Introduction: 

This product is a culture medium that contains no animal serum and protein, specialized for the expansion and culture of human NK cells and T cells.


Recombinant human transferrin, recombinant human insulin, human serum albumin * (derived from human plasma), growth factors, glucose, vitamins, amino acids, inorganic salts, trace elements, HEPES, L-glutamine Phenol Red, etc. (Note: The human serum albumin in this culture medium is prepared from human plasma collected by an FDA accredited agency in the United States. The following tests have been conducted subjected to FDA guidelines: HBsAg, anti HIV1/2, anti HCV, HIV-1RNA, HCVRNA, and HBV DNA. The test results are all negative).


Suitable for the culture and expansion of NK cells and T cells.